Life, Laughter and Legacy Magazine

How Laughter Heals: A Case Study on The Power Of Laughter In Beating Cancer

How Laughter Heals: A Case Study on The Power O...

Tracie Kay Gambill - 30 Apr, 2023 Laughter Heals It is a well-known fact that laughter is the best medicine. But did you know that it can help heal cancer? In 2015,...

How Laughter Heals: A Case Study on The Power O...

Tracie Kay Gambill - 30 Apr, 2023 Laughter Heals It is a well-known fact that laughter is the best medicine. But did you know that it can help heal cancer? In 2015,...

The Bright Side of Cancer: 30 Uplifting Jokes To Help You Laugh Through Treatment

The Bright Side of Cancer: 30 Uplifting Jokes T...

Tracie Kay Gambill - 23 Apr, 2023 Cancer is no laughing matter. But sometimes, a little humor can be the best medicine.  You might not feel like laughing if you or someone...

The Bright Side of Cancer: 30 Uplifting Jokes T...

Tracie Kay Gambill - 23 Apr, 2023 Cancer is no laughing matter. But sometimes, a little humor can be the best medicine.  You might not feel like laughing if you or someone...

The Legacy You Leave: Why It Is Important to Teach Your Grandchildren About Their Family History

The Legacy You Leave: Why It Is Important to Te...

Tracie Kay Gambill - 10 Apr, 2023 Why is it important to teach your grandchildren about their family history? Your family history is more than just a list of names and dates....

The Legacy You Leave: Why It Is Important to Te...

Tracie Kay Gambill - 10 Apr, 2023 Why is it important to teach your grandchildren about their family history? Your family history is more than just a list of names and dates....